Thursday, September 11, 2008

And I'm off

So my car is fixed, packed, fueled and ready. Finances are squared away and I'm ready to go. Hooray!

My trip begins Wednesday September 10, 2008. As a short recap I plan to travel from Minnesota across the northern tier states, then down the Pacific coast, back east across the desert southwest, then into Texas and New Orleans before heading back to Minnesota along the Mississippi river. I plan to return to Minneapolis by election day, which gives me about 6 weeks of time, start to finish.

Oh, and I've updated the map linked to the right, showing my route. Take a look! The numbers are the day of the trip.

Day 1, 9/10/08:

Today's iternary is to get out of Minnesota. I started by driving to the Cabela's superstore in Owatonna MN to browse about aimlessly. Then I remembered that I need a flashlight, as I suspect I left my good one in Mike's abode in Philadelphia. I found a nice 3w LED light which is marked as 19.99 originally priced at 39.99. Score, I think. Well, the price register did not have that price and after a bunch of rigamarole I discover that the flashlight was marked incorrectly. But I still got it for $20. Hell, I shoulda bought 10 of em. Anyways, now I have some light.

Next is the SPAM museum in Austin MN. What's not to love? Only 1 pic, as really, its not that impressive as you don't go to the factory itself. But Spam has a long history, including winning the Second World War. Bought a shot glass and 2 cans Spam lite for eating.

Next I drove back across the state to New Ulm, MN, home of the Schell brewery, for the age-old brewery tour. Did I forget to mention that weekday tours end on Labor day? guh. Well, least I got some pics of peacocks and a shot glass.

Next I drove to Pipestone, MN. Pipestone is home to the Pipestone National Monument where Native Americans/American Indians/Indians quarry a rich, soapstone like rock that can be fashioned into pipes. You've heard of a peace pipe? Made of Pipestone. Alas, I arrived at 6pm, so most things were closed. So I set up camp across the street. $21 for the night. My temporary abode:

Pipestone was damn windy that night and I got no sleep. Plus is started sprinkling. And it was loud and windy as a bitch. Did I mention it was windy?

Day 2, 9/11/01
Woke up at 7, and was packed by 8:15. Need to get faster at that. Ate breakfast at a coffee shop in Pipestone, fighting with the WiFi and my stupid laptop to get them to work. Lost this original blog post to the vaporware fairies as a result. Grr. Anyways, I spent 3 hours at the Pipestone monument, which, I must say was very cool. Indians were actually quarying the stone as I was there. I highly recommend checking it out yourself, as it's well worth the effort. Extensive pics are listed here, but some highlights:

Pipestone was really very cool. The rocks in the far right pic are glacial till granite, that has a whole mythology behind them, called The Three Maidens., relating to offerings in return for quarrying from the site.

Next was the Corn Palace, aka the South Central South Dakota Tourist Trap. Bought a shot glass, took pics. Evidently they play basketball inside. The facade changes every year, and the second pics gives a glimpse into the fine art of Corn Stapling. Not enough time or desire to investigate further.

Next, Wall Drug, or the Southwest South Dakota Tourist Trap. I didn't want to be too much of a tourist, so I only took pics of the front along with one of the absurd and humorous Tyranasaurus that scares the bejeezus out of you. Haha. Bought the requisite shot glass and a famous Wall Drug bumper sticker. Next: find an appropriately apropos place to stick it and send in a picture.

Included in the photobucket archive are some nice prairie shots I took. Check em out! I'll organize the directory better when I have more to work with.

With that, ~750 miles in two days and 20 gallons of gas. I'm beat. Writing more soon!


shortstuff said...

i spy.... a franket in a camp chair.... man, imma LOVE THIS game!!! haha

Solmaz said...

I spy the franket with the pipestone sign!